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Wow. Did that last week even happen? With the shoulder pain and the nausea and the general feeling of ‘what the hell was I thinking’? It seems so far away now. Now that I’m back at work and the boys are home and my mom is at her home. A week isn’t really that long a time but honestly, last monday feels like a month away.

All that’s left is some achiness and itchiness. But I guess itchy = healing, according to my best friend the internet. So that’s good.

The mind and the body are so strange. I mean, a week ago I could barely see straight and I was wondering why the hell everyone said hernia surgery was no big deal and blah blah. But now, a week out, I would tell strangers that it’s a little rough the first day but no big deal, totally worth it, blah blah blah. I have to keep reminding myself that for five days it felt like a really BIG deal. It felt like I would never be the same and my shoulders would fall right off and they would have to make me new plastic arms like Barbie.

What switch flipped in my brain? I kind of remember this feeling from the c-sections. I was really unconcerned about recovery from my second c-section because my memory of my first was that it wasn’t that bad, same with having a newborn. BUT THAT IS NOT RIGHT. Both things were full on difficult. Nothing like I remember the first time and now, 11 months later I only remember telling myself to remember how hard it was not actually how painful/tired/etc. I actually was.


But anyway, I’m back and now I can wear a bathing suit without a flesh button. Or I could if I wore bathing suits but, please.

How are you all? I’ve missed you so!

Ok, so I’m an idiot. Confession of stupid:

I kiiiiinda did not expect this hernia surgery thing to hurt this much. Or at all. I mean, I thought maybe a little soreness but easily controlled with painkillers. The kids would be at their grandparents and I would sit around with painmeds and sip on soda, watch Dr. Who dvds. I thought this because lots of people told me that when you have it done laparoscopically you recover really fast. Liars! To me, fast means as close to immediately as you can get without actually being right that second.

I was going to put a picture of hernia surgery here but decided to go with another Cute Overload sloth.

Cute Overload, again.

Recovery started with me waking up to lots of medical folks running around yelling something about a fire and then someone in my face all ER like, “Sara? Sara?”<—my real name btw, mom didn’t want to put Sadie on the birth certificate because the woman I’m named after told her not to. Which is confusing enough because no one except doctors, professors and police call me Sara so I was all, “What? fire? sara?” and the nurse disappeared and came back with my doctor who confirmed my identity. But I was still all up about this fire because I was really really afraid I was going to be wheeled onto the street and put on the news. That’s what happens every time a nursing home burns down and I always feel so bad for those people waving from their beds. I would never wave. I would probably just pass out from embarrassment.

Luckily the fire thing was under control so inside I stayed. Down to recovery where they shoved a cracker in my face and said it would raise my blood pressure. A cracker. Um…

Then they sent me and my body full of pain home. Where my pain pills did not relieve body pain but instead made me super nauseous. Yay!

Then I had to sleep sitting up. What the hell was I thinking? I thought. So I had a couple hernias. Who cared? Who even cared if I had a flesh ball sticking out of my tummy? No one. I should have just left it until an intestine got strangled in it or something.

Today (two days post surgery) I feel a bit better. Moving around more and trying to figure out how to strike that Lee Dewyze picture from the blog that keeps getting annoying hits.

I hate the pace of recovery. I miss my kids. My mom has been great of course.

Share your stories of recovery. What days were the worst for you? How long does it usually take you to get over surgery? Do you have an aversion to pain medication? How unfair is that???

Anyway, talk to me because now boredom has set in.

My tummy button aka the hernia and also that other hernia that I didn’t even know I had – are gone.

So now I’m just counting the hours in between paid meds.

Here’s a picture of a cute thing from Cute Overload that’s making me feel better:

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